should i spoof or spook our Arkansas & Oklahoma Area tourism department this.?
Haunted Ghost Tourist traveling on maths Sum of Things (Title ) Soul Train and Or Hell Raiser stereo Type = Historicaly Correct and falls in like with the old John Wayne and modern Hell Raiser & TexArkana Texas & Arkansas Oklahoma Rail Road Hellish Past systems like unto the Dredded famous Cherokee Rail road that was taken out of commision because of attacks from murderist and bandits that sold Human meats .it would be like being some former live stock version of ones self touring the local slaughter plants = facilities for proccessing and just as spooky for us one and all whome dare take the ride as if opening some magick door in times multiple (Wizard of Oz example) (Yellow Brick road ) where actor playing Dorothy did so meet the scare Crow and he had to make the choice to assist her and travel forward =histories forward moving progress Avenues and Direction.its sound track would sound like unto the version i gave unto fort smith Arkansas Five Star Studio.not to far from the williams and lick company.with some cool multi Ethnics dual rippled shirley Temple dimple blessed barbra stiesand singing the Soul Train Song:for its advertizments (Example) I sold my soul unto the singer of the soul train song long before it ever were to be recorded version of this Ghost tours of the Ozark Soul Train Haunted Tours song just written in small tid bits ice creams and cookie visual and subliminal Flame and Flags and the Oil version I had sang and gave unto the said studio visual of this and that tresures lessons preachings and teachings hidden with in plain sight and written into many songs like unto this Soul Train song version of the state and fedaral freedom flag starz & Stripes perks and power sources version and Or Chapter of our stories of for ever sections if this Soul Train Song not to much different that the black Music version shewn & shown on T V Sets long ago version also had ot darker singer too songs.if you and or more tha waun and Or 1 had love for Trains and their famous History Pet Names for them and ability to sing and write down portions to sing these and give them your version of star trewk Androdic Life form birth Certificates and Constitutional Rights to Exist with in Law and Song and perhaps sang and sing it as maths version of American & English wordings Sum of things and make it sound cool and Or Kool with in the sales version of songs.hence the songs nexts text is added herre ; i sold my soul to in stead of unto the singer and creater of the soul train song and finnished i t my self to make money and music videos and perhaps movies with it song and perhaps locate some modern jone of Ark burnded at the stake to wear her Galvinized Panties and bra Bathing Suit and Ghost vesion of the Rowdy Yates Hellish Cattle Drive Whip and Or perhaps Chains section of the advertizments and or just some cool new somg even if he & She had to wea4r tha Hip Bell Bottom Pants and Button Fly Soul Train version of Soul TRain Disco Floor stuff just to tell the story and produce the music that goes along with the songs and movie we hath yet to my songs given it like unto the fish that leaped into the bears mouth =the prcessing plant or plants of life and it cool star trek life form methods of telling the tales and singing the songs portions of this yahoo question.Amercia needs its own language and placre for us to go when we get killed or murdered and history proivided this Arkansas spelt anbdn spake correct as Air kan Sass with out the extra little letter S.the soul train version could have its own BOK Plant to feed it what it needs to propell it.and made from things hidden in our movies and Grim reeper and Hell Raisorish Stereo Type Haunted sptiritual aftter Life type movies and stories materials.the industrial versions could be ready up graded by infornation providers and the rail roads compnies abilities to trade this for that supplies and form of cash.i could assist with the DSoul and Hell Raiser TRains CReation and Rebuidings from Crashed in Bad History wayz Famous Hell and Soul Quility Trains.and let the soul train fun begin for Ameicas Heart Land Tours begin.the industrial Tally for Deisel Fuel for modern locomotive saving alone is enough reason to fix some old Iron Horses with modern sophiticated Computers and its supply wagons of water if it cant yet make its own supplies.and busion burner fuel is made pig droppings and other alchohol ish High school science class sources and the train system could be space age and self sufficiant and fuel itself while providing dreamers with old vintage trains to fix up and resale unto our states tourisim department Heads of State.and for we and Or us whome become GHOST Arkansas is A = 1 State.+ 50 naun Counted and China looks just like this version and countries all over the globe wish to become some branch or Version of America and spend its Money good old American Cash wuth no need for the North south East nor West with inn its Domicile or Kingdom.
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